Geert Haesaert

Geert Haesaert


Geert Haesaert


Geert Haesaert is full professor at the faculty of Bioscience Engineering of Ghent University. He is an agronomist and plant breeder involved in more than 40 national and international research projects. His research focus on sustainable crop production,  –protection and plant breeding in moderate as well as in tropical agro-ecological zones. His research in the field of breeding is focused on triticale and malting barley. He is recognised internationally as a leading expert in triticale breeding for which he has managed a dedicated breeding program for many years. Geert Haesaert is co-founder of the MYTOX research platform (, the consortium CropFit ( and the of the Ghent University spin-off company Progeno that gives data-driven breeding advice to plant breeders companies. Progeno is the results of a long-term scientific symbiosis between the department plants and crops and the department of data analysis and mathematical modelling.
