Dulce Eleonora de Oliveira

Dulce Eleonora de Oliveira


Dulce Eleonora de Oliveira


Prof. Dr. Dulce Eleonora de Oliveira holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Laboratory of Genetics, Ghent University, in the field of Plant Molecular Biology. She was professor and head of the Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics at the Institute of Biology, UFRJ, Brazil, where she led several research projects in the field of fundamental and applied plant molecular biology, particularly: Plant flower development; Plant-pathogen interaction; Abiotic stress in plants; Development of virus resistance in transgenic plants; Genetic biodiversity of Brazilian indigenous trees; Transformation of Brazilian orphan crops.

She is guest professor at IPBO since its foundation, where she has been involved in technology transfer, training and education in scientific and biosafety issues, and in raising awareness on the potential of plant biotechnology for developing countries. Currently she supports Marc Van Montagu with his activities related to the strategic plan of IPBO.

Email:​ dulce.deoliveira@vib-ugent.be