Dominique Van Der Straeten

Dominique Van Der Straeten


Dominique Van Der Straeten


Dominique is a senior full professor at Ghent University –teaching 5 courses- and Research Director of the Laboratory of Functional Plant Biology. With a fellowship of the British Council, she conducted pre-doctoral research at the University of Reading (UK), under supervision of Prof. J.B. Harborne. She was awarded an FWO PhD fellowship to conduct part of her doctoral thesis work on ethylene biosynthesis in plants at Harvard University under the guidance of Prof. H.M. Goodman, continued in Ghent with Prof. M. Van Montagu. Shortly before earning her PhD degree, she initiated research on remote imaging of plant stress. In this context, she performed a short post-doctoral stay at the University of Utrecht (NL), with Prof. H. Lambers. Last but not least, while being a fundamental scientist at heart, she initiated research on biofortification of crop plants, driven by the aspiration to contribute more directly to society. 

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