Patricia Nanteza


Patricia Nanteza


Patricia is passionate about Africa and the need to have African voices at global decision-making tables. Hence partnerships and capacity building are topmost on her agenda. As the debate over modern biotechnology rages, Patricia speaks about the need for Africa to decide whether she needs this technology — not foreigners deciding the continent’s fate. She contributes to this by fostering partnerships that ensure a concerted voice is raised in support of Africa’s need for modern biotechnology. Patricia doubles as the Alliance’s training director, leading a capable team of trainers who empower others with knowledge, skills, attitudes, and platforms to speak up and demand agricultural technologies that serve them best. In a bid to ensure that the story of African innovation is told in a form that is popularly understood, she started Science Stories Africa. She is a journalist by training and holds an MSc in Science Communication from the University of Edinburgh. Patricia joined the Alliance as a 2015 Global Leadership Fellow. She is a Ugandan and lives in Nairobi with her daughter. If she’s not at home watching YouTube videos about fitness or Christian sermons, you’ll find her walking, biking, jogging, or looking for a trail for her next jog.